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Monday, December 12, 2011

'Godfather' Karpal Singh mula diserang sebagai DIKTATOR

Nampaknya isu Konvensyen DAP Penang menjelaskan krisis dalaman DAP. Pemimpin tempatan seperti Prof. Ramasamy yang juga Timbalan Ketua Menteri Penang diserang oleh Karpal Singh dan para balacinya.


Dulu mungkin tiada siapa dalam DAP akan persoalkan kenyataan2 pemimpim agung mereka seperti Karpal Singh. Tetapi zaman sudah berubah, ramai anak2 muda dalam DAP sudah bangkit untuk mempertahankan pemimpin tempatan Penang yang berani melawan arus seperti Prof Rama.


Isu ini juga membuka mata rakyat bahawa pemimpin veteran yang masih berjawatan seperti Karpal Singh adalah DIKTATOR sebenarnya. Mereka tidak akan pencen kerana dahagakan kuasa. Dan akan terus mencantas mana2 pemimpin yang cuba menentang mereka. Datuk Lee Lam Thye dan YB Wee Chee Keong antara contoh bekas pemimpin DAP yang terkeluar kerana MABUK KUASA pemimpin agung DAP Lim Kit Sing dan Karpal Singh.


DAP kekal parti anak beranak LIM dan Singh. Prof Rama mungkin mangsa seterusnya.



Komen2 pembaca dari Mkini.com


Ashoka PJ : Rama said he tried calling Karpal many times but with no success. This shows that Rama wanted to settle it quitely, maybe explain the miscommunication and not make a big hoohaa about it. Karpal refused to answer his calls and spends a good deal of his speech time putting down Rama publicly. Now, you tell me who is behaving like a child and also like a Godfather.


ksn : Karpal has become very arrogant as shown with his behaviour in this matter like a GODFATHER. In his boyish remarks about Prof. Rama , Karpal did not reflect his maturity, wisdom, his intellect and his standing in the party and the country. He started the controversy but Rama is referred to the Disciplinary committee. What about Karpal? Rama says he called Karpal but the Godfather did not take the call and did not come back. Karpal, notwithstanding your position in DAP, you are dealing with Prof. Rama, who is the Timbalan of the DAP, a Deputy Chief Minister of Penang, an intellectual of the first order who has always fought and spoken up for the poor. It did not strike you, Karpal, that you have to show him that respect? What does that say about you, your humility, your discretion, wisdom etc? He is, in spite of his short service with DAP, a man who is more than you in many ways. Grow up, Karpal. Someone said you are behaving like Mahathir, without class,character.How true, how sad.


Compass : I concur with Terence. Only feudal lords and dictators are expected to react the way Karpal has reacted to Ramasamy's supposedly transgression. Like Terence, I hope this is a temporary thing and not part of DAP's fingerprint.


1 comment:

  1. memang biaDAP parti anak beranak seperti PKR
