Minda Hijrah Headline Animator

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bekas Presiden Libya Moammar Gadhafi terbunuh ?

Berita terkini yang tersebar luas didunia ialah bekas Presiden Libya Moammar Gadhafi telah terbunuh. Bagaimanapun belum ada laporan rasmi yang mengesahkan kejadian ini.

Laporan CNN

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Conflicting reports surfaced Thursday that deposed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is dead or has been captured. Deafening celebrations erupted in Tripoli, but none of the reports could be independently verified.
Gadhafi was killed, AbdelHakim Bilhajj, head of the National Transitional Council's military arm in Tripoli announced live on Al-Jazeera Arabic Thursday. Gadhafi's death was also reported by National Transitional Council television station Al-Ahrar. It did not cite a source.
A cell phone photograph distributed by the news agency Agence France Presse appeared to show the arrest of a bloodied Gadhafi. CNN could not independently verify the authenticity of the image.
Gadhafi's capture was also reported by Libyan television, citing the Misrata Military Council.

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